Loosest Slots On Fremont Street

Wouldn’t it be great to know the loosest slots in any Las Vegas casino? Well, you can, and it’s easier than you might think.

A “loose” slot, of course, refers to a machine that pays out frequently and in large quantities, every player’s dream. Those machines are also described as being “hot.”

In the parlance of casinos, loose slots can be said to have the lowest casino “hold.” The hold percentage is the part of a machine’s “coin in” that the casino keeps. Hey, these casinos aren’t going to carpet themselves.

The lower the hold percentage, the more a slot machine pays back to guests. The secret to finding the loosest slots in a casino, then, is knowing which machines have the lowest hold percentage.

Many believe this information is a closely-held secret, but here’s an easy way to find out which slots are the loosest: Ask someone who knows.

Loosest Slots On Fremont Street 2019 in Southeast Asia, with Loosest Slots On Fremont Street 2019 a variety of slot games, trustworthy live casinos, and daily updated sportsbook in a smooth platform and fair play environment that maximize your efficiency and results. It is the most Trusted Live Casino Betting Site and it has reasons to justify. The smallest casino on Fremont Street, La Bayou had approximately 125 slot and video poker machines. There were no table games here, nor was there a sports book. La Bayou was a great place if you want to get your drink on, as cocktail waitresses were very.

If you want to play casino games on the Web, we have compiled a selection of the best online casinos for US players. This selection is based on promotions, bonuses, Fremont Street Loose Slots security, cash out options, reputation, software robustness, graphics, customer service, game diversity and the overall respect of the player. We update our top recommended online casinos on a regular basis.

Crazy, right? Every casino with slot machines has a Slot Manager, often called the Slot Operations Manager. This person, who you will never see without a suit and tie (yes, they tend to be male), knows precisely what the hold percentages are for given machines, or more typically for banks of machines.

It’s the Slot Manager’s job to monitor how machines are performing, if they’re delivering sufficient profit to the casino given the space they take, if new machines are needed, where they should be placed on the casino floor and myriad other duties.

If you want to know which slots in a casino are the “loosest,” simply ask a Slot Manager.

These are some of the loosest slots at The D Las Vegas. How do we know? We asked.

Here’s how.

Ask anyone on the floor if the Slot Manager is available to chat. Slot attendants and cocktail waitresses can be very helpful tracking them down. Hint: Be professional and courteous.

Introduce yourself to the Slot Manager and let them know you’re interested in locating the slots with the lowest hold percentage on the floor. Slot Managers are busy people, so while there’s no harm in schmoozing, don’t be shy about getting to the point.

In most cases, a Slot Manager will either point you toward a bank of machines or escort you there. Express your appreciation accordingly, and it’s time to play!

That’s it. No, really. It’s that easy.


All this begs the question: Why would a casino employee tell a player the best-playing slots in the casino?

Loosest Slots In Oklahoma Casinos

Simple: Casinos just want people to play, they don’t care which machines they play on.

Why? Because no matter which machine you play, the house has the advantage. It’s built right into the machine’s microprocessor. Even if a machine has a great payback percentage, say 98%, it will keep $2 for every $100 put into the machine. Many machines keep significantly more.

As a rule, slots are looser at locals casinos than downtown casinos, and both pay back more than slots on The Strip. The more you know.

Now, if you can’t locate a Slot Manager, you can fall back on tried-and-true ways to find the best-paying slots.

A solid rule-of-thumb is the more active a bank of slots is, the higher the payouts tend to be. Casino regulars see patterns, so follow their lead.

It’s also good to know that the higher the machine’s denomination, the more generous and frequent the payouts. For example, a $5 coin machine is going to have a higher payout percentage than a quarter machine, and so on.

And finally, don’t discount the advice of those slot attendants and cocktail waitresses we mentioned. They, too, can see patterns in machine payouts. They may not be privy to the same information a Slot Manager has, but they can often point you toward the machines showing signs of being “hot.”

The next time you’re in a casino, remember our simple tip for finding the loosest slots: Ask a Slot Manager.

And remember to have fun when you play. That way, whether Lady Luck is in the mood or not, you’re always a winner.

Loosest Slots On Fremont Street 2021

Everybody loves a little free when they visit Las Vegas. Free slot pulls are a blast because: 1) They’re free. Yeah, that’s the whole list. Oh, and you can also win stuff.

On Fremont Street, there are a few free slot pulls, but they’re not all created equal. Here’s why.

At the door to Four Queens (the door closest to Casino Center Blvd.), there’s a machine ready and waiting for your free pull. You have a shot at $2,500 cash money, which is the most common kind of money.

Related: 25 Things to Do on Fremont Street If You’ve Blown Your Gambling Allowance

Another popular free slot pull is at Binion’s casino, just across the street.

The free slot pull machine is at the Binion’s entrance near the Tasti D-Lite shop. (Oh, how we love us some Tasti D-Lite.)

Naturally, these free slot pulls are intended to get you in the door at their respective casinos. Binion’s and Four Queens are owned by the same folks, by the way.

There’s no obligation to stay. You get to take your free pull, and you can continue on in or depart, it’s up to you. The casinos would love you to join their loyalty club, so ask for any coupons available at the free slot.

These aren’t the loosest slots in Vegas, of course, but people do win, and the casinos aren’t shy about sharing when people do. A guy named Robert won $2,500 at Four Queens recently, in fact. Read more. Happens quite often.

Now, there are often other free slot pulls along Fremont Street.

These free slot pulls aren’t your ordinary slot pull because they’re actually run by (drum roll) timeshare salespersons. You can’t just walk up and take a pull. Only couples can take part (because apparently people flying solo don’t buy timeshares), and who knows if you get to do a pull without listening to a schpiel. We didn’t ask.

Loosest Slots On Fremont Street 2018

Now, we have nothing against timesharepersons. Some visitors love a good spiel. These tend to be people who also enjoy chewing on aluminum foil, but to each their own.

Best Slots To Play On Fremont Street

We just thought it might be useful to know what you might be getting into.